IFC is a worldwide professional body for financial consultants and related professions. We offer the CFC® designation & distance learning qualifications.

The Institute of Financial Consultants (IFC) is an international professional organization with a worldwide membership. IFC is chartered in Canada and the USA.

Certified Financial Consultant ® mark is registered with US Government Patent & Trade Mark Office, USA, and with the National Certification Commission, USA.

IFC offers an educational program leading to the designation of Certified Financial Consultant ® (CFC) issued to qualified graduates.

The Institute is multidisciplinary, drawing its members from the related but separate fields of accountancy, insurance, law, funds management, tax and pensions. The Institute is forging a "new" profession that adopts the best features from these related professions and encourages the development of members' qualifications as financial consultants on the basis of their current professional qualifications.